Incense 香

We offer various kind of incense such as incense stick-香, incense coil-塔香, incense ingots-元宝香, horizontal incense-卧香, triangle incense-锥香.

Taoism and Buddhism believe that the smoke from the incense serve as a way of communication to the deities, ancestors and spirits.

Our incense are infused with different fragrances like sandalwood, agarwood, and foral scent. We also have option for less-smoke and less-fragrance incense to lessen environment impact, and also to target consumer with sensitive nose.

Incense comes in basic, moderate, and premium quality. 

  • Basic quality incense are mostly use for offering to ancestors and spirits.
  • Moderate quality incense are generally use for offering to deities, ancestors and spirits. 
  • Premium quality incense are for offering to high-ranked deities.

Offering better quality incense sticks shows your sincerity.